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It's February and a difficult time for everybody just now. Hope you are all bearing up. I've been demotivated by the lockdown. Started writing a new novel but come to a full stop. However, I am still writing poems and present a couple below, for your entertainment.


The base of the pit is lonely and dark.

The sides are high without escape.

The scene all around is bare and dark.

A hopeless, forbidding, lonely landscape.

No, I'm not in the dessert of some wild place.

No, I'm not on Mars or even the Moon.

I'm sitting at home with a very sad face,

Knowing I'll break down and cry very soon,

I'm depressed and distant, all on my own.

No-one to speak to, no casual chats.

Not a soul at my door, not a soul in my home,

Just insects, the birds and two hungry cats.

I look out the window. I watch passers-by.

They never look back or notice me here.

I raise my hand to wave and say 'hi',

Hoping, perhaps, for a smile and some cheer.

Then I go back to my comfy armchair

To think of my past and happier times

Before this lockdown and all its despair,

Before I resorted to writing sad rhymes.


Today I wait for the doorbell to ring,

For a card and a rose to make my heart sing,

For romantic words to make my eyes shine,

For loving thoughts which tell me you're mine.

I dream of a time when we are together,

A wonderful time, well beyond measure;

Not just for now, but for evermore;

For better, for worse, for richer, for poor,

We saw each other on screen yesterday.

We laughted, we joked and we made hay.

But as we talked, I longed for your kiss,

Your whispers and hugs which I sorely miss.

I pray your greeting arrives at my door,

With a bright red rose which make me feel sure

You feel the same, that you love me too;

Then I'll dance and rejoice 'til, once more, I'm with you.


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